Saturday 29 February 2020

Groovy Script Console integration in AEM


Groovy was developed by Jochen Theodorou, Guillaume Laforge, Cedric Champeau, and Paul King. Its typing discipline is strong, static and dynamic. It was licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. It first appeared in the year 2003. Its file extension is .groovy and was designed by James Strachan.

What is Groovy Script:

Apache Groovy is an Object-oriented programming language used for Java platform. It can be used as a scripting language for the Java platform.

Groovy vs Java

Groovy vs Java
DefinitionIt is compiled to JVM bytecode and is compatible with Java Platform.It is developed on JDK and is run on JVM.
UsageIt is used when as both programming language and scripting language.It is used as programming and object-oriented language.
IntegrationIt can be integrated along with any web applications and scripting applications.It can also be integrated with any object-oriented application as it is compatible with any JVM based applications.
PlatformIt supports any operating systems or platformsIt supports cross-platform operating systems
SyntaxThe syntax is very similar to Java syntax.It has a strong disciple in its syntax.
CommunityIt has been submitted to JCP for specification request.It has a larger community called Java Community process JCP being maintained by a large group of highly qualified technical experts across the industry.
LicenseIt was licensed under Apache license 2.0It was licensed under GNU General Public License.
ImportsAll the packages will be imported by default.It has to be mentioned clearly to import any package into the java class file.
DocumentationIt provides single page documentation.It has documentation in the form specification given by JCP.


  1. Download the Groovy Console package. Check the version compatible with your AEM instance. For AEM 6.5 I am using 14.0.0 version.
  2. Install the downloaded package using the CRX package manager.
  3. To verify the installation, open http://localhost:4502/apps/groovyconsole.html in browser to view the groovy console.
Note: From 13.0.0 release, paths were changed from /etc/ to /apps/ to access Groovy Console

GUI Console:

Friday 7 February 2020

Create a system user in AEM using runmode config

Add/create a system user through runmode in AEM using ACS commons.

Create a runmode config file in your project.

Add below snippet in the config file


Above snippet will add read and modify properties privilege to /content/we-retail path and read permission to /content/aemquickstart.

Click here to check how to create a system user using system explorer

Refer ACS Commons documentation