Sunday 31 July 2016

Developing HTML Template Language Components that search for AEM Content Tags

You can create a custom Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) HTL component that searches for AEM content tags. Tags are a quick and easy method of classifying content within your website. In technical terms, a tag is a piece of metadata assigned to a content node within AEM (usually a page). Within the OSGi component, the AEM Tag Manager is used to search for the content tags, For information about the API, see TagManager API.For information about the API, see AEM TagManager.
Consider the following illustration of the HTL component created in this article that shows defined AEM tags. 

Thursday 21 July 2016

Preparing for AEM Developer Certification Exam -- July 2016 Session of Ask the AEM Communtiy Experts

Watch Scott Macdonald and  James Talbot's session on preparing for the AEM 6 Developer Certification Exam. This session will discuss how to prepare for the developer exam and cover areas that a developer whom is writing the exam is expected to know. If you are planning on writing the AEM Dev Exam, this is a session you want to attend.
To watch this session, click here

Monday 4 July 2016

Dialog Conversion Tool

The dialog conversion tool is provided to help you extend existing components that only have a dialog defined for the classic UI (based on ExtJS). The tool uses this original dialog to create a duplicate dialog designed for the touch-optimized UI (based on Granite UI/CoralUI).

Download and Install the Dialog Conversion Tool

  1. Install the package on your instance.file

AEM Components for the Touch-Optimized UI

AEM components are used to hold, format and render the content made available on your webpages.
  • When authoring pages, the components allow the authors to edit and configure the content.
    • When constructing a Commerce site the components can, for example, collect and render information from the catalog.
      See Developing eCommerce for more information.
    • When constructing a Communities site the components can provide information to and collect information from your visitors.
      See Developing Communities for more information.
  • On the publish instance the components render your content, presenting it as you require to your website visitors.

Saturday 2 July 2016

Building Adobe Experience Manager 6.2 Mobile Applications

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Mobile provides a complete toolset to rapidly build, manage, and deliver mobile apps that integrate with the Adobe Marketing Cloud so you can measure and optimize app performance. Leverage existing content from multiple sources including the easy-to-use authoring environment of AEM and deliver updates without requiring app rebuilds or resubmissions. Integrate with third-party APIs to extend functionality and connect to critical business systems. Use built-in messaging and analytics to communicate with your audience and track user activity and engagement.
Use AEM Mobile to quickly import an existing mobile application in order to begin instantly managing its content. Learn the techniques that will allow non-technical users to begin authoring content for an existing mobile application and prepare for updates to be published. Take advantage of existing content in AEM that can be re-used in a mobile delivery channel and learn the simple steps to integrate your mobile apps with the Marketing Cloud. Master the use of the AEM Verify tool throughout the entire app development process.

In this development article, you learn how to use AEM and PhoneGap to quickly and easily build your own mobile application, how to test it in simulators for a range of devices, and how to track app usage.

Reduce rendition image sizes on DAM

By default, upon image upload to AEM’s Digital Asset Management, a “DAM Update Asset” workflow would be triggered and one of the many processes inside the workflow is to generate a web rendition of the uploaded image. And the default setting of AEM’s Image API is to always render the web-enabled version of the uploaded image. This combination helps to limit the size and the quality of the image displayed thus reducing the page load time.
The OOTB setting for the web-enabled image dimensions is set to 1280 pixels by 1280 pixels. And the image quality is set to reduce to 90%. To change this setting, browse to AEM’s workflow console and select the “DAM Update Asset” workflow under the Models tab:

Access local AEM on https

Enabling HTTP Over SSL

Generate Key Store
  • Create a directory named ssl in the directory where the quickstart JAR file is located.
  • In the command prompt, type the following command to create the credential and keystore:
    • keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -validity 3650 -alias cqse -keystore [quickstart_dir]/ssl/keystorename.keystore  -keypass key_password -storepass  storepassword -dname "CN=Host Name, OU=Group Name, O=Company Name,L=City Name, S=State, C=Country_ Code"
  • The following example generates a private/public key pair with the following properties:
    • alias: cqse
    • keystore file: cqkeystore.keystore
    • key password: password
    • keystore password: password
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