Monday, 3 July 2017

Display number in different number patterns

You can use the java.text.DecimalFormat class to control the display of leading and trailing zeros, prefixes and suffixes, grouping (thousands) separators, and the decimal separator. DecimalFormat offers a great deal of flexibility in the formatting of numbers, but it can make your code more complex.
The example that follows creates a DecimalFormat object, myFormatter, by passing a pattern string to the DecimalFormat constructor. The format() method, which DecimalFormat inherits from NumberFormat, is then invoked by myFormatter—it accepts a double value as an argument and returns the formatted number in a string:
Here is a sample program that illustrates the use of DecimalFormat:
import java.text.*;

public class DecimalFormatDemo {

   static public void customFormat(String pattern, double value ) {
      DecimalFormat myFormatter = new DecimalFormat(pattern);
      String output = myFormatter.format(value);
      System.out.println(value + " ===> " + pattern + " ===> " + output);

   static public void main(String[] args) {

      customFormat("###,###.###", 123456.789);
      customFormat("###.##", 123456.789);
      customFormat("000000.000", 123.78);
      customFormat("$###,###.###", 12345.67);  

The output is:
123456.789 ===> ###,###.### ===> 123,456.789
123456.789 ===> ###.## ===> 123456.79
123.78 ===> 000000.000 ===> 000123.780
12345.67 ===> $###,###.### ===> $12,345.67


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