To change the default favicon of the touch UI admin interface, you need to overlay the /libs/granite/ui/components/foundation/page/favicon/favicon.jsp. Just change this path in your overlayed file and remove the Adobe copyright comment text.
Config cfg = cmp.getConfig();
AttrBuilder attrs = new AttrBuilder(request, xssAPI);
attrs.add("rel", "shortcut icon");
attrs.addHref("href", cfg.get("href", "/libs/granite/core/content/login/favicon.ico"));
%><link <%= %>>
Change the favicon path highlighted in red above.
Refer the below scrrenshot to overlay the OOTB favicon.jsp-
Config cfg = cmp.getConfig();
AttrBuilder attrs = new AttrBuilder(request, xssAPI);
attrs.add("rel", "shortcut icon");
attrs.addHref("href", cfg.get("href", "/libs/granite/core/content/login/favicon.ico"));
%><link <%= %>>
Change the favicon path highlighted in red above.
Refer the below scrrenshot to overlay the OOTB favicon.jsp-
A better example would be best way to set for am AEM site