Friday 4 November 2016

Extending the Multi Site Manager using the Experience Manager MSM API

You can use the Adobe Experience Manager Muli Site Manager (MSM) API to create a custom service that is invoked when you perform a MSM operation such as create and activate a LiveCopy page. Multi Site Manager enables you to easily manage multiple web sites that share common content. MSM lets you define relations between the sites so that content changes in one site are automatically replicated in other sites.
For example, web sites are often provided in multiple languages for international audiences. When the number of sites in the same language is low (three to five), a manual process for syncronizing content across sites is possible. However, as soon as the number of sites grows or when multiple languages are involved, it becomes more efficient to automate the process.
A service that works with Experience Manager MSM functionality is implemented as an OSGi bundle and uses APIs located in the package.
For information about MSM functionality, see Multi-Site Management.

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